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Sustainability Efforts

The Green House

We built our greenhouse in 2017 and it has been the home to hundreds of plants and trees. We start them from seeds and clippings, take care of them for a year or 2 until they are ready to be planted on in our garden.   


The Food Forest

When the foundation bought the EcoHouse in 2017, the front yard was clear cut. We started our process of reforestation by putting in swales to catch the rainwater and a creating a path for harvesting. We started planting trees which are all now 5-6 years old and already all producing fruit. We have Jackfruit, papayas, vanilla bean, guanabana, starfruit, mango and many more! 

The Seed Project

We love to collect all types of seeds we find from all around Costa Rica and start them in our greenhouse. We have donated hundreds of plants/trees to the local community when we run out of room in our garden. In 2022, the EcoHouse acquired another 1.5 acres to be able to create more food forests and permaculture gardens  



Here you can learn more about our upcoming plans to maintain our sustainable lifestyle at Mauser EcoHouse.


We welcome you to explore our plans and donate to the cause!

The Dome Project

We are working fiercely on our upcoming sustainable project, the Dome Project Teaching Center (the MEARCATO).


2 Dome Houses with a Ranch/BBQ grill for permaculture volunteers and path (Mauser Pipeline) connecting the residency and the community next door (Costa Vida).

The  Mauser Pipeline (Construction to start in May, 2025) path/bridge/garden walk with edible plants/fruit trees will join the communities.


We will close the artist residency 3 months out of the year, as this area will serve as:

A learning center for students to learn about permaculture gardens.

An educational site for when we host artists retreats and kids from local schools educating them about how to garden, tend chickens, live sustainable on the land and much more.


If you wish to learn more about this project please view the Master Plan document attached, and if you wish to support our project financially please press the Donate button.


The Gift Bag Project

The Mauser EcoHouse is a sustainable living area and we wish to keep educating our residents about sustainable living.

Therefore, we are manifesting The Gift Bag Project, which will include various products to support our residents daily life & habits.


We encourage the residents to arrive with green & sustainable products, from their Shampoo to their creative tools, use the organic compost in our garden and learn how to recycle and upcycle what ever they are using while staying here!

We believe this will inspire our residents to obtain new habits and follow up with this lifestyle after going back to their homes.


We are looking for sustainable, vegan and green brands and companies to donate products to the Mauser EcoHouse. The products will be collected into a gift bag which will be given to each resident upon their arrival to the residency.


What do we need?

Soaps, hair products, compostable sponges, biodegradable floss and tooth brushes etc. 


Want to help us? Join our project as a donor, help the environment, support sustainable living and promote your products.


Contact us for more information on how you can be a donor!


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